
First Friday Giveaway #3: Your favorite JE moment

Tell us yours. Was it having our wine and dancing with 1500 of your closest friends at our Autumn festival, or a quiet stroll to the back of the vineyards in early Summer or a winter storm by the fireplace? Maybe it is an engagement that happened here, a family day on a quiet Sunday or simply being a regular who has their favorite glass poured before they say it. The moment is yours to share as simple, unique or rowdy as it might be!

Final winner is chosen for originality and how it makes us nod to ourselves in recognition----'yep, that sounds like a JE moment'. As always, we will announce our winner the First Friday of the month. Winner gets three of their favorite wines shipped to their home....cheers!

You can email your submission to erica@jedwardswinery.com or post it directly on Facebook.

Good Luck.

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