
Ethan Zohn {Survivor Africa Winner} comes to JE on May 6th!

You may recognize Ethan Zohn as a true survivor. As the reality show Survivor Africa winner and later as a cancer survivor, Ethan used his one million dollar prize to help others become survivors, too. He is a true advocate for change and how each of us can make a difference whether abroad or in our own backyard.

Grassroot Soccer, a program co-founded by Ethan Zohn with his winnings teaches AIDS awareness in Africa through the game of soccer. Grassroot Soccer is built upon the principle that kids learn best from people they respect. GRS educators are professional soccer players, coaches and teachers- all role models in their communities.

With a comparable mission, tireless spirit and a willingness to put this cause ahead of so much else- Sabrina Buehler of North Stonington has been an integral part of the Chickumbuso Project in Zambia. Learn more about this project by watching this short video.

In 2007, Grassroot Soccer organization paid a visit to the Chickumbuso project in Zambia. The collaborative work underscored that while their initiatives are independent of each other, their goals and dedication to AIDS education is the same. Currently, there is a girls Grassroot Soccer team proudly wearing a North Stoningtons Wheeler Middle School uniforms!

Sabrina and her husband Paul will be biking cross country to raise funds for a well for a community field in the slum of Ng'ombe, where the team practices twice a week.

Ethan has generously agreed to come and speak to 'kick off' the fundraising for such an important cause.

Come and join us here at Jonathan Edwards Winery for a meet and greet with Ethan Zohn from 5:30-7PM (small bites and cash bar provided) and continue on to Wheeler High School to hear his full presentation. Donations are being accepted at the high school to participate in the full presentation.

Tickets for the winery meet and greet are limited and $25. All proceeds go to the Buehlers fundraising efforts for their cross country ride. Call the winery to reserve your tickets today!

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