
Tasting Notes: from the tasting room

Hard to believe we are just now kicking off the 'high season' after the busy winter {aka 'slow season'} we had! The line up of events all winter kept all of us bustling in the Tasting Room. The end of 2010 will mark five years for me here at JE handling the Marketing and Events {and Tasting Room- but lets be honest, Andie and staff are the daily smile, knowledge and talent behind the bar!}. I am so grateful that my role here continues to stay fresh and creative while giving me the opportunity to work with great people and continue to learn more about this fascinating industry.

In my mind, we took it up a notch on the events side this year. The tasting room staff and I came up with new formats to share our wine knowledge and offer a little something for everyone. We started the year with four intimate and informative Flight Nights and food pairing with Jon teaching us more what makes each vintage unique within the chosen varietal, to the DARK and Decadent {our Port and Chocolate} Valentines weekend tradition, to the sold out success of Blues in the Barrel Room, our annual Open Cellar and Winemakers Dinner along with Kick the Vintage and Pre-Release events in between. We think we may be on to a great combination... Winters in New England leave people longing for an excuse to have a glass of wine by the fire and we love to host them!

Is there any event you would like to see here at the winery? Another Wine 101 course, cooking demonstrations, more wine dinners? Be sure to let me know and perhaps we will add it to our line up!

Now May has arrived and the birds are chirping, the vines are popping and the gardens are growing more colorful by the day. This high season we are bringing back our signature events {Spring Festival, Harvest Festival, Summer Nights and our annual Jonathan Edwards Concert} but adding even more {Lobster Bake and Ben Taylor in Concert!} Stay tuned for our full music line up for Festivals and Music Series along with our new Sunday Wine Down in July and August! We think the best kept secret at Jonathan Edwards Winery is sunset on the stone patio. What better way to spend your summer Sunday nights than with a glass of wine, facing west and watching the sun sink below the tree line on our Stone Patio? Instead of closing at five, every Sunday in July and August we will have acoustic music from 4 t0 7PM and our new outside bar/ bistro seating in full swing!

Among other new updates from my corner of the winery---our Jed Reds wine club, our web and social media changes, an active e-newletter On the Vine keeping everyone informed of events around the region and a booked solid calendar of weddings and private events. Be sure join us on Facebook and check our blog for weekly updates on the latest events and information. We finally fully embraced the cyber community in January and already nearing 1000 new friends with nearly 900 to date and more joining weekly. We love the ease of communicating up-to-the-minute news on events and seeing the photos and feedback of all kinds posted by our friends... ah, the power of the internet. Thank you for being a part of our community- here at the winery, on line, throughout New England and beyond.

We hope to see you at the Spring Festival June 5&6th!


Erica Cyr

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